Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ed and I are back home from MA just in time for another blizzard which is expected to hit tomorrow afternoon with high winds and 25 inches of snow. We still have the 2 feet from last week. We had a special Christmas with Ed's family. Their reaction to me telling them I was pregnant was hilarious! They were shocked and thrilled at the same time.

The 2 adorable girls with us are Ed's older brother Ron's girls (Karley & Kelsey).

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Greetings from snowed in CO. We are in the middle of a blizzard right now which will continue until tomorrow afternoon. This is our 2nd blizzard in 2 months! I am grateful I don't have to go anywhere.

My brother and his wife Julianne found out today they are having a boy. "Double up on the blue" I told my mom. I am still convinced thanks to my friends that I am having a boy and we will hopefully see at my ultrasound Jan. 11. I went to the dr. last week and found out I haven't gained a pound which thrilled me. I am going on 15 weeks and doing great! I can still fit into my jeans which is a relief.


Monday, December 11, 2006


Hello everyone,
Our first holiday season in Colorado has been beautiful. We look foward to being with Ed's family in MA for Christmas.

This morning after enduring cat issues Ed said that once the baby arrives it will be pure chaos. Frasier will have to deal with a human baby crying and taking our attention from him. It ought to be interesting to say the least.

My friend asked me if I knew how I got pregnant and I said "Yes, margaritas." She said if it is a girl I should name her Margarita and I said she could also be Coral Reeves (we conceived the baby at a condo called Coral Reef). Reeves is after my friends little boy.

Friday, November 17, 2006


It has been 13 years since the last baby entered the Schaal family and now we look forward to two - one in April and one in June. Ironically both babies will be born to Julie's. Julie Anne has been married to Ed for 15 years and is 39 and Julianne is newly married to John and 23. Ed and I look forward to welcoming Evan/ Emma into the world in Colorado and exposing him/ her to the beautiful area and wild life that abound here.