Sunday, May 27, 2007


Hello everyone,
We hope your holiday weekend has been an enjoyable one so far. It feels weird to be here and not on the boat rafting up with friends at Shell Island or with our friends from Atlanta at their beach rental. It has been a relaxing day for us and tomorrow will be as well. We are going to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate our anniversary which is June 15. Our last dinner out alone for awhile. If you scroll down and compare the photos of me in the blue sweater at 7 weeks out and today you will see there is not much difference. It surprised me when I looked at them. Emma dropped yesterday and it makes a big difference in how I feel - much tighter, less mobile etc. I can't complain though as this pregnancy has gone much better than I thought it would due to my back problems and age. My older sister Sheri is flying out here next Saturday to be here for the June 4 birth so that will be special and fun. We bought b-day decorations for my room and will get a chocolate cake of some sort for the party we are having in my room on Tuesday. The hospital has wireless access so we will be uploading photos Monday night to this blog so make sure you check back here after 5 mountain time, if not sooner. My surgery is at 12:30 and will take 1.5 hours.
Signing off for now!

Monday, May 14, 2007


Hello everyone,
I had an ultrasound today and Emma is 5.4 pounds which is good. She'll be over 6 pounds by the time she is born. We moved the c-section up one week to June 4. She will be 39 weeks, healthy and ready to meet the world! She's still breach facing to the right which is how she was the last time I had an ultrasound. We now enter the waiting game where time seems to stand still. Hopefully the weather will turn and stay mild so I can get some exercise outside.

I have enjoyed the wildlife this past weekend with a small doe munching in my next door neighbors back yard and a black fox that was bedded down in our bushes. He lost his winter coat and was small, like a medium sized dog. This red fox was rolling around and playing in the yard across from us which was really cute to watch. Last week a herd of Elk were grazing on the side of the road. Spring flowers are starting to pop up but it seems to snow or hail on them when they get to a decent size.

Frasier has enjoyed the fresh air since I have had the windows and doors open. Yesterday I took him for a walk wearing a dog harness and he just loves to get out.
That's all for now, have a good weekend!

Monday, May 7, 2007


Greetings from the great white West! This is what I woke up to this morning. The power has been going on and off all night and still this morning and now I know why. It's wet so the roads are clear and it will melt fast which is good. This has been some crazy weather.
5 weeks from today is Emma's b-day and I am so glad I am having her in the summer but considering today's snow fall, I am not so sure when summer starts around here. Don't blink or we'll miss it! Let's hope for dry weather June 11. Have a good week everyone!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hello everyone,
I have another ultrasound May 14 to check on Emma's size. Hopefully I will have some photos worth posting this time. I gained 1.7 pounds since the last visit which is good. My c-section is at 12:30, June 11. I am happy it is earlier in the day than I thought it might be. Ed leaves Friday for PCB to work the Gulf Coast Triathlon race which is May 12. I wish I could go but need to be a good girl. Hopefully the weather will stay mild here so I can get outside more often. We are having a b-day party June 12 so for anyone in the area stop on by for some cake! 2nd floor of Memorial Hospital North, Colorado Springs.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Hello everyone,
6 weeks to go and I hope it goes fast. It is supposed to rain/ snow this weekend and is drizzling now. Yesterday was beautiful so I was able to get out for a walk. We are gearing up for the big day having purchased decorations for the hospital room - banners, streamers, etc. as well as b-day party invitations. You can't have a party without invites right? Of course we will have a cake and balloons and celebrate her b-day the day after she is born since I am having the c-section in the afternoon. And what's a party without Jimmy Buffett playing? This new hospital will not have seen a welcome to the world party like this. Don't worry, we'll take pictures and post here.