Monday, January 28, 2008


Hello everyone,
I was thrilled with how cute this quick snap shot turned out. Amber is smiling at me which is harder to come by these days as she is constantly on the go crawling now. She is getting into everything she can so I have to watch her like a hawk now. When she takes a nap is when I try to take one as well or read or surf the web. I love to watch her sleep and still can't believe how blessed we are. I feel so content to be at home with her and be able to see her grow and change (quicker than I ever imagined). Friends have asked me if I was bored being at home with her and I can't imagine it any other way. There are great playgrounds here and play groups which we will join when it warms up. I look forward to walking to town with her in the stroller and taking her to the lake near by.
Being married for 15 years and traveling as we have, becoming a mother at 39 feels natural which is a great feeling. Who knew?!

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