Friday, January 5, 2007


Hello everyone,
I am entering the challenging stage of being hungry all of the time. Apples, oranges, carrots, and cheese & crackers are the things I've been munching on but it isn't fulfilling me. I am running out of things to eat that appeal to me. I look forward to my appointment next Thursday which will confirm if it is an Evan or an Emma.

I felt the baby flutter 2 weeks ago which was neat. My sister-in-law's little guy has been very active and happily punching and kicking her at all hours. We will see how active Evan/ Emma becomes as he/ she grows.

It is snowing again! Big surprise. We are at around 5 inches to add on to the 4 feet we already have on the ground. Hopefully I can rip around on my neighbors 4 wheeler tomorrow. All the toys come out in the neighborhood when it snows.

This is a photo of Ed as a baby, cute little fella wasn't he?

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