Monday, January 15, 2007


Well folks, my mom and sister have quickly made the transition from Evan to Emma spending days at the Carter's store this past week. They shopped 'til they dropped and went back 2 days later to find new items on display. 35 hangers later (not including 3 piece outfits), my sister heads back to MI today content (for now) of a job well done. They tried to cover the basics in addition to getting the must have adorable outfits. I can't wait until the baby shower to see all of the clothes. They have the best of both worlds being able to shop for my nephew (due in April) and for Emma.

Here I am as a newborn. I was 3 weeks overdue, weighed 8 pds., had black hair and long fingernails that had to be cut right away.

It's sunny and 5 here!

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